KNOT: the KNime mObility Toolkit
A KNIME extension for Mobility Data Analytics.
In our research experience working with big mobility data, we found that there is a lack of support for a number of typical analysis/processing steps (e.g.: map-matching, trajectory reconstruction, etc.) within general purpose Analytics Platforms, such as KNIME. To date, researchers and practitioners working with mobility data are often forced to implement data analysis pipelines from scratch, a task that is time consuming, error prone, and requires programming experience. Moreover, replicating these pipelines is also often difficult due to dependencies/configuration issues.
Hence, as a step towards overcoming these limitations that hinder the productivity of researchers and practitioners working on mobility data, we started working on KNOT: the KNime mObility Toolkit. KNOT is an extension of the well-known KNIME Analytics Platform and introduces several new components (nodes) to perform typical mobility-data-analysis tasks.

A KNIME workflow using the KNOT nodes
Getting KNOT
If you want to learn more about KNOT, check out the official website or the GitHub repository. Soon, KNOT will also be available on the official KNIME Hub.