GUI Testing of Android Applications: Investigating the Impact of the Number of Testers on Different Exploratory Testing Strategies
Authors | Sergio Di Martino, Anna Rita Fasolino, , and Porfirio Tramontana. |
Journal | Journal of Software: Evolution and Process. |
DOI | 10.1002/smr.2640 |
As a first step towards filling this gap in the literature, in this work we conduct an empirical evaluation involving four open-source Android apps and twenty masters students, that we believe can be representative of practitioners partaking in exploratory testing activities. The students were asked to generate test suites for the apps using a Capture and Replay tool and different exploratory testing strategies. We then compare the effectiveness, in terms of aggregate code coverage, that different-sized groups of students using different exploratory testing strategies may achieve. Results provide deeper insights into code coverage dynamics to project managers interested in using exploratory approaches to test simple Android apps, on which they can make more informed decisions.